Monthly Archives: November 2011

the Crochet bandit

mael2 by artneli
mael2, a photo by artneli on Flickr.

String theory
Most of my creative life has been spent in search of a vehicle for my communication. Honest and interpretable; appropriate and purposeful; but above all enduring. The piece… as it is seen off into the world would be complete, unchanging, direct in its message and yet dynamic. After years at this endeavor, both visually and literally, I have discovered my veracity in my most abstract method of all, fibre. The rich tactile flow; at the whim of both the elements and people’s appreciation of aesthetic (as opposed to the content), yet approachable with the most dynamic, open ended and undeveloped soft vocabulary.

who needs a lexicon when one sees such a happy little bandit/hero to steal your heart ?


Felted lanterns and vessels
